Heavy Duty FAQ

Since GasSLX shocks contain gas, why don’t they extend on their own when taken out of the box?

Gas SLX incorporates gas cell technology which is different from “gas-charged” as the gas is contained within a sealed “cell”. The gas cell replaces the internal void filled by pressurized gas in a gas charged shock. The gas cannot escape thru the rod seal which is common for gas charged shocks and the cell is charged at a lower pressure than a gas charged shock so it will not and should not extend on its own when taken out of the box. GasSLX shocks are a perfect choice for commercial vehicles that see high miles and lots of road dust. GasSLX’s cellular gas technology also allows for inverted use or extreme angles of operation that conventional gas charging cannot do. They are much easier to install also, since you are not fighting against the shock to hold the rod in a collapsed position.

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