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Gabriel Shocks Testimonials

Gabriel welcomes you to submit your customer experience with our products, as well as share cool pics of your ride! We would love to share your experiences with the world on our website testimonials and occasionally on our social media pages.

Gabriel will not sell or share your information with any third parties, ever!

Tips on How to Upload Your signature:
  • Sign a white piece of paper
  • Take a picture of your signature with your phone
  • If you are submitting this testimonial form on mobile: once you click 'upload' on our form, select your signature photo from your photo gallery
  • If you are submitting this testimonial form on desktop, then email the photo of your signature to yourself and save the email attached file to your computer. Once you click 'upload' on our form, select the signature file from your computer folder where you saved it
  • If you have questions or need any assistance, please reach out to
OR - if you would rather print the form & mail it in:
  • Download our testimonial PDF form here.
  • Print the form and fill it in with your information.
  • Mail signed, completed form to:
    • Gabriel Ride Control
      Attn: Marketing
      39300 Country Club Dr.
      Farmington Hills, MI 48331

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